Saturday, May 8, 2010

Penguin! The Card Game (Inverted Iceberg?)

In this game, based closely on the Fantasy Flight produced "Penguin" designed by Reiner Knizia, players build a pyramid (inverted iceberg?). Once again, I would like to note before I begin to explain the rules to an adaptation of an already published game, that I introduce you this game to draw your attention to terrific game mechanics developed by a fantastic game designer, and also to provide you with a fun game to play in a pinch. With that being said, lets get started.

Like an iceberg, the game is simple on the surface, but the complexity runs deeper.

No. of players: 2

Set up: One deck of 52 cards. Take out the Kings, Queens, Jacks, and Tens. Deal 14 cards to each player. The remaining 8 cards are set out of play for the round.

Game play: On your turn, play one card face-up on the table to build the pyramid.

The Pyramid: The bottom level of the pyramid may hold 7 cards side-by-side. If you play in the bottom level, you may play any card you wish. Each succeeding level holds one less card until you reach the top. In order to play on a higher level at least one of the cards beneath it must be of the same suit.

Round end: If you are unable to play a card you are done for the round, but your opponent may continue to play until they either run out of cards or are unable to play any more, then the round is over.

Scoring: Add up the cards you have left by their number value. These are your points for the round. Play three rounds to determine a grand champion!

(Note: After reading up on "Penguin" at I found that this game was originally supposed to be a card game, but that it was changed for marketing purposes. One thing you will notice about the variant I have posted here, is that points are collected based on the face value of the cards you play instead of on number of cards you have remaining).

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